Office of the United States Trade Representative


1996 National Trade Estimate-Errata

The following changes since the original release of the 1996 NTE should now be considered as part of the document:

June 13 1996 - Guatemala

Where the section titled - Apple Import Permits now reads:

The Government of Guatemala agreed during its GATT accession and in its Uruguay Round commitments

U.S. companies have cited the uncertainty of obtaining a license as the reason they have not expanded their investment to distribute U.S. apples. The result is an estimated $ 1 million in lost export sales.

It should be changed to read:

The Government of Guatemala agreed during its GATT accession and in its Uruguay Round negotiations to eliminate apple import licensing requirements effective January 1, 1995. This has not occurred. Although the government has continued to issue permits, several U.S. companies have cited the uncertainty of obtaining a license as the reason they have not expanded investment to distribute U.S. apples. The result is an estimated USD 1 million in lost export sales.

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