United States will submit a paper today to the World Trade Organization (WTO)
Negotiating Group on Rules that advocates stronger global trade rules governing
subsidies for the fisheries industry, to remedy the economic and environmental
damage from overfishing. The United States is working closely on the fisheries
subsidies initiative with a broad coalition of developed and developing
countries, including Australia, Chile, Ecuador, Iceland, New Zealand, Peru, and
the Philippines. Environmental groups such as the World Wildlife Fund have made
fisheries subsidies reform a high priority and strongly support action in the
"The United States has long advocated WTO action on fisheries
subsidies, the Doha negotiations have a mandate for reform, and we will work
with others to get fishing subsidies reduced," said U.S. Trade Representative
Robert B. Zoellick. "Excessive subsidization has led to the depletion of fish
stocks through overfishing and threatens the economic and environmental health
of the world's fisheries. By improving WTO disciplines on harmful fisheries
subsidies, we can give a concrete, real world demonstration that trade
liberalization benefits the environment and contributes to sustainable
Global levels of
subsidies are conservatively estimated at between $10-15 billion annually –
approximately a quarter of the annual $56 billion trade in fish. This in turn
has led to the overexploitation and, in some cases, the collapse of valuable
fisheries stocks worldwide. According to the UN Food and Agriculture
Organization, over 25 percent of the world's fisheries are over-exploited or
depleted. If present trends continue, other fisheries are likely to suffer
similar declines.
subsidies has been a topic of discussion for many years in the WTO Committee on
Trade and Environment. During the 2001 WTO meeting in Doha, the United States,
along with numerous other countries, successfully pressed for inclusion of a
specific negotiating mandate to clarify the WTO rules regarding fisheries
subsidies. The Doha mandate reflects WTO Members' concerns about the negative
trade, environment, and developmental effects of subsidies that contribute to
overfishing and overcapacity.
The paper will be
presented to the WTO Negotiating Group on Rules, and is part of ongoing WTO
talks in the Doha Development Agenda. The U.S. paper is intended to identify
some key issues and to begin a constructive dialogue on ways to make progress in
carrying out the mandate. The paper presents several ideas for initial
discussion, including:
• a possible expansion of the category of
subsidies prohibited under the WTO rules to include fisheries subsidies that
directly promote overcapacity and overfishing, or have other direct
trade-distorting effects;
• consideration
of creating a category of fisheries subsidies that would be presumed to be
harmful, and therefore actionable under WTO rules, unless the subsidizing
government could affirmatively demonstrate that no overcapacity or overfishing
or other adverse trade effects resulted from the subsidy;
• improvements to
the quality of fisheries subsidy notifications under WTO rules;
• ways to draw
upon relevant expertise in other international organizations and obtain the
views of non-governmental groups, including the fisheries industry and
environmental conservation groups.
Separately, the
United States submitted two papers to the WTO Rules Negotiating Group regarding
rules on industrial and other subsidies, and rules on antidumping.
The WTO Agreement
on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures already prohibits certain subsidies
(particularly those directly designed to promote exports) and establishes some
controls over most others. However, the existing rules have not been effective
in limiting trade distorting fishery subsidies and are not designed to address
subsidies that can contribute to the actual depletion of a mobile natural
resource that moves across jurisdictional borders. The negotiations now underway
seek to identify the "gaps" in WTO rules and suggest possible
The United States
was a strong proponent of the negotiations and has been actively engaged since
Doha in the discussions in the WTO Negotiating Group on Rules.
- In April 2002,
the United States and seven other countries submitted a paper that reviewed some
of the harmful trade, environment, and development effects linked to fisheries
subsidies and explained the reasons why existing WTO rules do not adequately
address such subsidies.
- In October
2002, the United States submitted an informational paper reviewing work on
fisheries subsidies done in other fora and providing further clarification on
the linkage between subsidies and adverse effects.
The U.S. paper
submitted this week is the first to move the discussion from a review of the
problems created by fisheries subsidies toward consideration of possible
solutions, including possible structures of clarified and improved
The WTO negotiations are scheduled to conclude by January 1,