
Katy Mastman

Acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Labor

Katy is the acting Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for the Labor Office. Most recently, Katy served as the Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Labor Affairs.  She handles a wide range of issues related to trade and labor around the globe, and focuses on the USMCA Rapid Response Labor Mechanism.  Prior to joining USTR, Katy worked at the U.S. Department of Labor, in the Office of the Solicitor, as the Counsel for International Affairs and USERRA, and later in the International Labor Affairs Bureau, most recently as the Deputy Director of the Office of Trade and Labor Affairs.  Katy holds a J.D. from the NYU School of Law, where she was a Root Tilden Kern Scholar in the Public Interest and Co-Editor-in-Chief of the NYU Review of Law & Social Change.  She earned a B.A., with Honors, in Community Health and Political Science from Brown University.