
Pacific Islands

USTR's Office of Southeast Asia and Pacific Affairs works closely with the Pacific Islands to enhance bilateral trade and investment ties.    

On October 15, 2020, the United States signed a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement with Fiji. The TIFA creates a platform on which to further expand and deepen bilateral trade and investment ties between the two countries. This is the United States’ first TIFA with a developing state in the Pacific, and it provides the opportunity, in select circumstances, for other small Pacific Island states to join as observers in TIFA discussions, which helps to strengthen our economic commitment to the region and uphold a free and open Indo-Pacific.

The United States and Papua New Guinea meet bilaterally and through our mutual membership in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum. The United States also has preferential trading arrangements with the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Palau, and the Federated States of Micronesia through the Compacts of Free Association. 

USTR engages with Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) members through U.S.-Pacific Islands Trade and Investment Dialogue, which is a mechanism to discuss trade and investment issues.